saved by the max

Is This The Coolest Restaurant in The world? We Think so!

Picture this, its the early 90’s, you get home from school, switch the TV on, kick back with some sugar related drinks and snacks to watch your daily dose of Saved By The Bell.

The early series had a central location where the Zack and the gang hung out after school. The place was the Max and french fries and burgers were the choices for all.

The Max was so named after the owner, Max, a magician turned restaurateur who knew everyone by name and performed magic tricks whilst taking the gang’s order. Nice!

I bet many of us were sitting there watching them have all the fun thinking ‘why don’t we have one of these’

The after school UK alternative hang out looked like it was Byker Grove, nice I’m sure but not as nice as the bright and welcoming as the Diner for Californian school kids which was the Max.

Well fear not, it seems that some bright sparks had a similar idea, although they’ve probably never heard of Byker Grove.

A pop-up restaurant in Chicago opened up which was as close a replica of the famous high school hangout and it looks awesome!

Even the waiting staff (who are all called Max and Kelly) wear the classic the Max t-shirts and menu items include aptly named food such as AC Sliders, Preppy BLT, Macaroni & Screech, Belding Fries, Miss Bliss Candied Bacon, Lisa Turtle Milkshake 

The restaurant had old arcade machines, pink and yellow decor bedecks the establishment and french fries and burgers are definitely on the menu as well as alcohol.

This place is a dream come true for diehard fans of Saved by the Bell, the doors opened way back on the 1st June 2016 and is the theme restaurant is open until the 31st Dec 2016

We hope it remains a permanent fixture so there’s still time to go although their Facebook page says that getting tickets is highly recommended as walk-ins are limited. Here’s a cool video about Saved by the Max, it looks sooooo cool!

So, now you know about it, if you are going to the Windy City and are a fan of Saved by the Bell then this is a must do thing while you’re there and if you do then let us know what’s it like.

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