hardcore never dies movie amazon prime

Love Gabber? There’s a Movie Coming To Amazon That’s Just For You

A new movie that is set in the 90’s Rotterdam Gabber heyday is coming to Amazon Prime.

The movie called Hardcore Never Dies is a dark and stark looking movie about a teenage Dutch boy who dreams of becoming a pianist and instead get embroiled in the 90’s burgeoning Gabber party scene and gets involved in the drug trade around it and the risks and dangers associated with being involved in illicit activities.

The movie looks set to have a stella Gabber soundtrack that focusses on the music of the time that helped bring this hard music scene to a global audience.

The movie is coming out on the Dutch Amazon Prime on December 9th and looks to have tons of nostalgia thrown in from the skinheads to the Aussie tracksuits, Bomber Jackets and of course the 200bpm music!

Check out the trailer below. There is not an official date for it to be in the UK, US or other territories however, if enough Gabber heads make some noise about (and they are very, very good at doing that!) then who knows.

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